Our Solution

We started a youth-focused company that levels the playing field for young entrepreneurs 18 and under. Our team guides them every step of the way to start their very own business, build teams and communities. We call these unique individuals – youngpreneurs!  They learn how to build a business together, not only strengthening the family bond and friendship, but also giving them an upper hand and head start at entrepreneurship.

Our mission is to help them find their unique skills and talents and show them how to share those skills with people all over the world – never having to let go of their childhood passions and dreams, but transforming them into real actions

UpperHand EDGE  allows youngpreneurs to gain, share, barter and sell a wide variety of skills from the basic self-care skills like tying their shoes to “21st Century” fundamental skills such as time management, marketing, negotiations, project management, team building, and perhaps some of the most important and least addressed in our current society – taking risks and dealing with failure.

Everyone can be a teacher, everyone has a skill to share, everyone has a need  to be filled. Our mission is to help them experience “Ownership”. Ownership of their skills, Ownership of their own faith and their own future. All that, with their parents along side them as co-founder.

Wonder how we approach this?